Solo exhibition / separatutstilling «SPUNK» på blås & knåda, Hornsgatan 26, Stockholm 29. okt - 20. nov 2016
The artist who prefer SPUNK by Lars Elton
Should art be only serious, or are you allowed to add a humoristic twist? Linda Lothe says – Yes, thank you. I prefer both.
Humour is the joy of life, but the clown’s sad face adds a tragic dimension to our laughter. Still, there is too much seriousness in art. After modernism had its breakthrough a century ago, phantasy and humour has been an underestimated measure in art. The serious bunch is in power, but Linda Jansson Lothe prefers to be included in the joyous crowd who are doing their best to lighten up life…
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The glasses for the jars were blown by Vidar Koksvik and Micke Jacobsson. The catalog is designed by Marte Fæhn.
Glassene til krukkene er blåst av Vidar Koksvik og Micke Jacobsson. Katalogen er designet av Marte Fæhn.